This is my life.

Monday, January 01, 2007

2007! You are my biznatch!

So a new year has come. And I am one of those people who feel like a new year is an excellent way to have a new beginning! (as opposed to those think "A new year, same old shite"). And it really is a new year for me, I am going to the same school, I hopefully will have the same friends, I am living in the same place (and hopefully getting an apartment) but I have a new major, and seriously, I really am hoping that I can do well.

Anyways, I have already been really bad about my number one new year's resolution which is to work out... I am going tonight... and hopefully a lot this week... I am shooting for 4 times... I know I won't be going Saturday or Sunday.... DAMN CLOSING SHIFTS.

I miss everyone so much.


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