This is my life.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Tiger balm is my best friend

So, I cannot go to sleep ever. Literally ever. I have to wake up at 8 and it's akready 4:15... what' is the point?

Today was fun! I got to shop! and I got to hang out wiht a whole lot of people and do our secret santa... gift card to abercrombie means MORE shopping!

So yeah... the more and more I think of it... everything is going to be different. I just feel like my life can never be a unified whole. You know? Which I guess isn't that bad. Like, since I started college, there hasn't been a moment when I was completely happy. And it could be said that I am just that kind of person... the person who just cannot be happy completely, but I am trying... really. Like... if I start out a day well, it ends badly, but if I start it badly, it ends well... I never have a fully good day... EVEN AT DISNEYLAND!

And I feel like next semester I am going to be happy with school but unhappy socially because as much as people do not want to admit it, everyone is going grow apart a little... it'll be the people who made musical theatre, and the people who didn't and me, who chose to go and dance. And yeah, I will be super cyked to hang out with all the DM's but I don't not want to hang out with people.

I know I am a such a like fluttery person. I am sorry I go with path which is easiest... but I guess for some people I can maybe climb a few rocks.

By the way, I am revisiting Laguna Beach (the first season) and I am sooooooooo LO. It has been agreed upon by many. I am a lil bitchy, really ditzy but still smart, and yeah like... I dunno I just am.

I am way sore still.. I had to visit my friend, tiger balm... because I am hitting the gym tomorrow too. I am a little bit closer to a V torso... YEAh


Blogger Amy Grace said...

Eric Pham, I miss you!

4:34 PM  

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