I am guilty of having more than one site for my blogs... But I decided that this is it!
I promise. This will be it! I do not ask for comments, because this is more for me than for anyone else. The fact that it is online just gives me the ability to share my inner thoughts with my friends.
Yes so on to the post!
Well my friends have noticed that I have not been as happy as I usually am. I did not realize how unhappy I have become. I started the year off great! I was excited for the program, I lacked any drama, and I just started college... What more could a boy want? Well the middle year (December) did get stressful but it was worth it. Alas now, I find myself at the point of tears randomly? WHY? I hope I am not depressed. But honestly, I just find that this stupid program to be so disheartening. I know, that if this is really something I want to do, than even if I do not make the program, I should continue to pursue my dream, but I do not have the confidence that others have. My whole life has been some jerk trying to tear me down and I guess they have done their job because I do not believe in myself.
I accomplished so much this year, why is it that I only can focus on the things that I did not get?